Wednesday, 15 May 2013

My Personal GAME Plan

My Personal GAME Plan
This week, we were asked to explore ways in which we could enrich content learning for our students using technology. We were then asked to look at the National Education Standards for Teachers (NETS-T) (International Society for Technology in Education, 2012), identifying indicators of the NETS-T standards we would like to become more proficient in. Finally, we used the GAME plan (Cennamo, Ross, & Ertmer, 2009, p. 4) to outline our strategies for increasing proficiency in those areas.
Here is my “A” GAME plan:
1)      Goal. NETS-T 2.c. Design and Develop Digital Age LearningCustomize and personalize learning activities to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources.” (International Society for Technology in Education, 2012) I already know that it is important to use technology to engage students as well as to allow for various learning styles. I want to become more proficient at matching technologies to those specific diversities. I will know if I have become more proficient in this endeavor because my students will be more motivated, and there will be more even retention and results in assessments despite the variety of learners in my class.
2)      Actions. I need to become more aware of the technology that is out there in order to try to access it for all my learners. For example, several of my students are very weak spellers, and I would like to access voice software in order to help them become more successful. I can look this information up on the internet and then seek support from both the I.T. technicians at the Ministry and the Learning Support teacher at my school. The learning strategy I will use is constructivist because I already possess some background knowledge which I will need to build on, in order to develop my understanding and awareness.
3)      Monitoring. As I access the information, I will monitor it carefully to see if it is really applicable to my situation. I need to look at patterns such as cost, ease of application, and availability. I will evaluate to see if there are other avenues I can explore to meet my goal.
4)      Evaluating & Extending. Once I have identified several possible digital tools and resources that may help me meet my goal, I will need to evaluate them carefully. I will then need to decide if it possible to implement them, and how to achieve this. Finally, once implemented, I will evaluate again to see if they have truly made a difference to student motivation and retention of content information as demonstrated by results.
Here is my “B” GAME plan:
1)      Goal. NETS-T 5.a. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership “Participate in local and global learning communities to explore creative applications of technology to improve student learning” (International Society for Technology in Education, 2012).
I have joined several professional groups as part of a previous course, and this last weekend I joined the NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics). My goal is to participate actively in this membership as well as the various science ones I already have, in order to explore new and creative ways to use technology in order to improve the learning of my students. I will know if I have become successful in this regard, because I will have added to the “bank” of technical resources with which I am familiar, and will have used at least three new items with my students before the end of the month.
2)      Actions. I need to visit the sites of which I am a member more frequently, exploring the information that is there. I can subscribe to interesting looking blogs and if there are appropriate newsletters offered, I can subscribe to them. The learning strategy I will use is constructivist because I already possess some background knowledge which I will need to build on, in order to develop my understanding and awareness. In addition, I will be looking for activities that, in the main, are inquiry/constructivist based.
3)      Monitoring. As I access the information, I will monitor it carefully to see if it is really useful for my students and the content I teach. I need to balance the time I spend exploring resources with the time I need to attach them to my lesson plans.
4)      Evaluating & Extending. According to NET 5 (International Society for Technology in Education, 2012), Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources”. By setting increased participation in my professional memberships (online) as a goal, I hope to really “walk the walk” for this NET. As checking in with the sites become a habit, and as enable additional RSS feed links to help stay on top of my explorations, I should be able to continually extend my abilities in this area.

Cennamo, K., Ross, J. & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach. (Laureate Education, Inc., Custom ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
International Society for Technology in Education. (2008). National education standards for teachers (NETS-T). Retrieved from


  1. Hi Lisa,
    We picked the same indicators! We must think alike. For students with spelling problems have you looked into Intelligence Tutoring Systems? The book talks about how they are a great way to monitor their progress, make implications of strengths/ weakness and create additional practice based on student’s response. Or an online tutorial, for spelling concepts and phonics?
    For your second indicator, with joining more professional local and global communities, I also plan to join more groups as well and become more involved and acquainted. For monitoring and evaluating my progress, I thought it would be helpful to do a reflective online Weblog each week and add my thoughts. That way I can always look back later and used it to remind me of certain ideas and I will always have it to reference. Great choices with you GAME plan. Have you found any Global communities in other countries?

  2. Hi Jennifer,
    I have not tried Intelligence Tutoring Systems. I shall have to investigate that resource. I do have several spelling/phonics resources, some of which are tech based. Currently in spelling we use the Literacy Collaborative method of teaching spelling in Word Study. Have you ever used it? I do like the method but its weakness is that it is very time-consuming and difficult to fit into the schedule.

    Your blog reflection sounds like a great plan. I need to think of ways to use this blog for more than just this course. As for other countries, currently you and the rest of the cohort are my "other country" although I do also use a lot of resources from the UK where our curriculum is based.

  3. Technology is a great tool to reach diverse learners in your own classroom. In the beginning of the school year, we talk about diversity in our world, town, school and our class. Community building is so important to establish. I want my kids to know that it they are different because of their level, that it isn’t a bad thing. We measure progress to the individual, not against each other. I do not assign different learning groups. It makes differences to obvious and puts a label on them even though they know it exists. My spelling “group” has three levels but it is not stressed. I use spelling city and create differentiated spelling lists. Their spelling homework is emailed to them so I can individualize their assignments. Our reading series has a differentiated component so I can assign different topics to practice depending on their needs. We also subscribe to education city where you can assign different activities to students. It is also accessible at home as well as our reading series. Good luck in your search finding what will work best with your students.

    1. Hi Deborah
      Education City sounds like a resource I need to explore. Thanks for the tip!


  4. Hi Deborah
    Education City sounds like a resource I need to explore. Thanks for the tip!

