Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Carrying Out My GAME Plan

This week I have been looking at strategies for seamlessly integrating technology into my content area instruction by developing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating my personal GAME plan. Exposing myself to the technology that is out there will enable me to make more specific decisions that will work with student strengths rather than against their weaknesses. As you can see, I have tried to intertwine my GAME plans A and B in order to maximize the benefit to my learners.

Resources Needed
I looked at several resources this week. Links to them are listed below. I have visited each site and am trying something from each with my learners this week in order to evaluate the site as it relates to my particular group.  I am looking at this site to help me generate good spelling lists based on content vocabulary; that is what we are working on at the moment in Spelling. I need to generate lists that contain a wide variety of words as my students self-select words to study that best match their levels. I liked the various options attached to the upgrade version and will consider using it with my class next year; I do not think it is worthwhile to join at this point in the year as membership runs yearly. Using this site will be beneficial because I can easily email lists to my learners who have organizational issues (often leaving study lists at school/home- wherever they are not), and because I can change the size of the text as I put it up on the Smartboard which may help some of my learners to both better attend and be better able to see. We have been working on fantasy in reading, and as we bring this unit to a close, I thought it would be fun to read a comic together. This particular one supports the diverse needs of my learners with large text, reduced amount of text on a page, and great illustrations. While reading it, we are selecting words for our Word of the Day (one word for every two students) and reporting back to the class on the words we have selected. I love this story because it is highly entertaining and also because it has great (challenging) vocabulary. Reading it together may provide the impetus and motivation needed to get some of my readers, who are on the cusp of becoming more independent in their reading selections, to pick more challenging material. My class enjoyed this today and all seemed to be engaged not just by the story but by the words we selected. We are about to wrap up a unit on fractions, and I was delighted to discover this Scholastic site to help us review. From videos to step-by-step instructions, this engaging site looks wonderful for this purpose. My class enjoyed the “jam” we used today and several said it clarified the topic (simplest form/lowest terms fractions).

Additional Information
I also looked at which provided a link to information about ADD/ADHD students, based on the PBS series Misunderstood Minds. This was helpful to me as I thought about the characteristics of my diverse group of learners. I think I also need to continue exploring possible sites for useful resources. I have added to my RSS feed in order to update me when new information comes out; I have found this site helpful in the past in both stimulating me to look for resources and alerting me to what is available.

Steps Taken
I am pleased with the resources I have located this week, and thrilled that I have actually used all three of them already this week. As you can see from my notes, I have used one in planning (spelling) and the other two with my students.

Feedback from my Walden Community Requested
I would love it if I could hear from my Walden cohort, or indeed anyone else who might be interested in this topic, with suggestions for building more resources that are useful to learners who need extra support in maintaining focus on a task. I should mention that I teach Grade 5.


  1. I also really like this blog for staying current with technology; I like that it is from Australia too because it widens my support base.

  2. You have put a lot of thought into your resource to know how you can use them in your classroom. I also like how you thinking of modifications for your students at this point of your plan.

    Another site you can use is

    1. Hi Jeanine,
      Thanks for your feedback and your suggestion. What do you use quizlet for in your class?


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hello Lisa,

    I love that you are using this time at the end of the school year to evaluate some websites and resources with your students. School is over for me, so I am not able to see if the resources that I am using will actually support student learning in my classroom.
    I recently found a subscription based website that is aligned to common core students. I used the free trial version with my students the last 6 weeks of school. This is a great site and my students were very driven to be the learner of the day and week. The site allows you as the teacher to assign lessons on a particular standard or content area. The students can also access the website at home.
    The website is

    1. Hi Trinecia,
      We still have a full month to go, and our end-of-year exams are next week, so there is a lot of time left. Still looking for cool things to do!

      Thanks for the tip, I will check it out. A site I used heavily for review this year was Adapted Mind which one of my class parents sponsored for everyone.


  5. Hey Lisa,

    Your plan is really coming together! Do you find it easier to email the info to your kids? Do they all have internet access? I tried to do that, but had issues having the students respond. A few said they couldn't find it, parents said they couldn't use the internet or what not.

    1. Hi Josh,

      All my class gets email (we are pretty saturated here with cell phones) but not all can get on the internet for the blog posts. I try to check in every couple of days to see if anyone needs to do their blog posts at school; it seems to be working quite well. I made it pretty clear in the first parent meeting that one of my goals was to really push internet use both in a drive to reduce paper and also to use some of the really cool review sites I had been learning about. I think it really helped being upfront with the parents about what I was trying to do.

