Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Monitoring My GAME Plan: Progress in Week 4.

This week, due to some work I have been doing "unpacking standards" and generally working towards writing Common Formative Assessments, I have not been in my classroom very much. However, the information for the CFAs is very much in line with the resources for this week, so I have been trying to meld the two concepts together as I continue my search for great resources that use technology in a way that allows me to differentiate for my varied group of learners.

One idea that really struck me as important is the concept that assessments, particularly formative ones, need to be as varied as the instruction that leads to them. Technology can assist in this regard; apart from anything else, it can allow me to vary the assessment in terms of numbers of questions per page, size of print, etc. I also can search for variations on tasks if I am planning performance assessments. As Cennamo et al state, "the technologies you choose... will depend most on making good choices for supporting your instruction and assessment" (2009, p. 163).

Information and Resources I Need.
I am, so far, finding resources and information fairly easy to locate. My biggest problem is sifting through the available options to pick out what is the best fit for my class.

This week I tried out several resources. My three favourite were:
This resource allow manipulation of a skeleton and would provide excellent review for several Health/Science topics. As teacher leader for Science at my school, I have to assist other levels with resources and this one got the thumbs-up from my colleague at that level.
This resource helps students (or adults) prepare for presentations by adding timing. It also only allows limited text so that the students are forced to edit what they are saying. I can use this as a performance assessment.
Throughout the year, we work on our poetry anthologies. I love this resource which suggests tips for including more technology alongside the poetry. There are suggested options for assessment as well as teaching and learning.

Modifying the Plan.
So far, I have not really felt that I need to modify this plan. I am enjoying the impetus it is giving me to explore varying resorces and to try out ones that seem to match well with what I am doing. 

What I Have Learned So Far.
So far, besides various exciting options using technology that I can (and in some cases have) used with my class, I have really just learned that the ease of locating resources is even greater than I had thought. Using the RSS feed and also using various sites that pick out technology tips has also been helpful.

Regarding assessments and technology specifically, this week I really thought a great deal about how an electronic portfolio can be used as an assessment piece. "...portfolios contain examples of work that can be compared to competencies or standards" (Cennamo et al, 2009, p. 151).

New Questions.
I am looking forward to continuing to use my memberships - I got a great activity off of the NCTM website this week - to explore resources. I need to decide how I will evaluate each one as to its relative worth; there are so many free resources out there too. I also need to figure out a way to streamline my RSS information so that I am getting the tips and pieces I really want.

On the other hand, how will I know what's out there if I never look at new things?

Does my Walden cohort have any suggestions about how to balance this?


  1. Lisa,
    I commend you for having an open mind and being willing to try new things. With so many changes being enforced in districts around the country (new Common Core standards, digital standardized assessments, annual teacher evaluations), I find that many colleagues are becoming overwhelmed and as a result are cutting back on the creativity. While it can be difficult to have top-notch lessons in every subject area every day, it's great that you are trying out new resources in a variety of areas. Perhaps you could team with other teachers to divide, conquer, and share your new findings. I find that I might go on a math kick, reading articles, searching for new resources, while one partner investigates new reading workshop lessons, and the third partner focuses on our science kit. We rotate our responsibilities, and this makes me feel much more balanced and in control, rather than trying to keep up with the latest resources/strategies/tools in all subject areas!

    1. Hi Caroline,
      What a great idea! I think I will try that with some of my colleagues in September or maybe even over the summer if anyone is interested.


  2. Lisa,

    Similar to you, I am working on ELA curriculum writing and creating a formative and summative assessment for my unit I am writing. This is a harder task than I thought. I am almost finish. I have to turn everything in by Tuesday. Fortunately, school is over for me so I can dedicate some day time hours on finishing this up.

    In regards to your GAME plan, I would suggest creating a pinterest board or a delicious account. Both websites allow you to save websites and resources in one location. With my GAME plan, I have bookmarked many resources that will be helpful when school starts back in the August. This may help you figure out and sort through the resources you are finding.

    Good look on your assessments and your GAME plan.

    1. Hi Trinecia
      I have not used pinterest before but one of my colleagues does all the time. That sounds like a great way to broaden my scope as well as keep track of everything.

      Thanks for the suggestion, and good luck to you also!

  3. Hey Lisa,

    Good for you on trying so many new things! There are so many resources out there, it's just not possible to get through them all. I am having the same issue with my RSS feeder. I get so many things sent to it, is it possible to streamline those sources anymore? The only way I have done that, was to search more for more specific Blogs or groups. For instance, because I teach PE, and am doing this tech course, I searched for and found another PE teachers blog that specialized in technology to be used in PE classes. Now, when I look at my RSS feeder, if there is anything new from him, I know that it will be applicable to my practice.

    Also, what are you going to do in a month, when Google Reader is no more?


  4. Hi Josh
    I have no idea, news to me! What should I do?

    PS I remember that first blog link you sent back in course 1 or 2 was PE link, do you still use that one?
