Technology and My Goals.
One of the most important reasons for me to take my
Master’s Degree was to grow as a professional teacher. This particular module has been a very steep
learning curve for me, because while I am confident in the technology that I know
how to use, and am even viewed as a leader in technology in my school, the
actual range of applications that I know is very small. The more I am learning, the more I realise
just how little I do know.
In this course I have learned how to make a podcast. That was very difficult for me, for a variety
of reasons, some of them to do with the technology itself and some to do with
my understanding of how to use the technology.
Some new skills I have picked up just from that one assignment were the
differences (at a very basic level) between MP3, MP4, WAV and AUD audio files,
how to record a voice memo on an Ipod, how to save voice memos to my computer,
and how to manipulate the audio from those voice memos using Audacity in order
to make the audio for a podcast. I also had to learn how to convert that audio
using podcastmachine in order to create a podcast link on my blog. All of those new skills have stand-alone
value, but the ability to create a podcast has several applications for my
classroom. I hope that I will be able to
advocate for loading audacity onto several of the computers in the lab,
allowing my students to explore its use.
The next most difficult thing for me to do was creating a
wiki. Part of the difficulty I faced was
to do with technical issues; wiki is not completely free now, for example, and managing
the permissions seems to have changed since the course was set up. I enjoyed not only using the wiki once it was
set up, but collaborating with my classmates.
This collaboration was definitely one of the high points of this course. I am not quite ready to use a proper wiki
with my class; I need to do more exploring before I will be sure what I am
doing. However, I am planning a webquest
before Christmas.
One of the other high points for me on this course was
getting to understand how a blog works.
I am absolutely thrilled that my class blog is now up, and even happier
about the response to it from my students, parents and principal. I plan on continuing to use the blogging site
I created for this course in order to reflect, and hopefully collaborate with
others to continue to grow both as a user and a teacher of blogs and blogging. I will also be using an RSS feed, a very
useful tool I had never even heard of prior to this course.
While I would not say my
understanding of the teaching and learning process has grown significantly, it
is always good to be reminded of the pedagogy behind what we do. There is always room for deeper
understanding, which will lead, one hopes, to better teaching. I have, however, as a result of this course, come
to understand the differences that I am seeing in the way my students function
as being at least in part a result of their digital upbringing. In a Frontline interview (P.B.S., accessed 2012) Steve Maher describes
our students as being surrounded by a “cloud of information”, stating that we
must be able to capture their attention in order to even reach them. Our students know so much more, about so many
things, compared to the majority of us growing up. We need to find ways to celebrate that
knowledge and to help them sift it into byte-size pieces (pun intended) that
they can use to grow.
Dede (Laureate Education, Inc.,
2010) says that we need many kinds of thinkers to succeed in this “neo-millennial”
world. It does not matter where we stand
in the on-going debate about what caused the changes we see in our students,
but it does matter where we go from here in educating them for the changes we
see in the world around us. My
hope is that I will be able to provide my Twenty-first Century learners with a
rounded twenty-first century education, which Giroux (accessed in 2012) terms “balanced
literacy”. Besides ensuring content
understanding and connections between it and the real world, I must prepare my
classes for jobs using “non-codified thinking” and “complex communication”. (Levy and Murnarc, 2006) At the same time, it is critical to note that expert thinking
in any field still requires the basic “3 Rs”. .
Bates and Phelan (2002) sum it all up as
stating that there have been “elemental changes in the way work is done”, even
going so far as to say that there are five basic competencies needed for
success as an employee. They need to have skills in resource use,
interpersonal, information and systems skills, and have knowledge of how to use
technology in order to access and use all the above.
In order to be successful in empowering
students to acquire those skills, I must not only model them myself, but also
become more focussed on their individual learning requirements. I have been hearing about “learner-centred”
instruction since my undergraduate training back in 1998, but still see much
more “teacher-centred” instruction in my experience. Differentiation is only part of becoming
learner-centred, and in order to continue to grow as a teacher I must continue
my own education in the continually expanding possibilities for instruction and
the tools to deliver it.
One of my long-term goals is to increase the amount of
time we have booked in our school’s computer laboratory. I was successful in raising our scheduled
time this year from one forty-five minute lesson to two hour blocks, and I am
already seeing how much more beneficial that extra time is. It has meant, for instance, that I am able to
focus on word processing in one of the two lessons, zeroing in on specific
applications and procedures, while being able to explore some of the myriad
other opportunities offered by the 2.0 world in the other. Of course, the success of this additional
time has only made me want more of it.
Obstacles I may encounter fall into two realms. The first is to do with timetabling. Our system uses block timetabling which means
the lab is only free at very specific times, and there is only one lab for the
school. I also will have to justify the
way I am using the technology if I am using it in “core instructional time”. I do have some backing in this regard as my principal
is very supportive of the use of technology in the classroom, and in addition
it does seem that our system’s use of the Cambridge International Programme (which
has specific requirements for technology use built into the curriculum) will
provide me with leverage.
The second realm is the technology itself, as it is
available here in Bermuda. It seems,
from conversations with my Walden classmates, that we are about half-way
between the haves and have nots.
Certainly, we have enough computers for each child and internet access
is generally good. These are important
requirements. However, like many
jurisdictions, we are limited in our access of many of the 2.0 tools that would
enable us to really narrow that technological divide. As Thornberg says (Thornberg, 2004), technology should be an
expectation, not an option, and the cost of internet access at home in Bermuda
is very high when compared to many other locations. In addition, there are technical hiccups that
often interfere with the smooth delivery of a lesson. These seem to be related to the fact
that we have aging equipment and not enough money in the budget to either
maintain it properly or to replace it when required. As budgets are being cut even further this
year, I can foresee this problem growing rather than being reduced.
My second long-term goal is to find more ways to use
technology in order to help me differentiate instruction for my learners. This year I have received parental support
for the use of a program I tried out last year that helps my students with
their Mathematics. One of the reasons I
really like this program is that it contacts me as the administrator whenever a
student logs in, reporting on what they did and how they did on it. I am using this principally for homework at
this time, but am finding time in school for mini-conferences with the students
about what I see in what they are doing. In addition, it is just a couple of
clicks for me to let their parents know how they are doing. One of the parents is so excited about this
that she has asked me to look at a similar program for spelling, offering to
fund it if approved. The main obstacle
to this kind of differentiation, of course, is available internet access. How I wish that my school had Wi-Fi instead
of hard connections; I have four computers in my class that are connected
through our server, and eighteen children to use them. Because access in the lab, as previously
stated, is limited, I have to be very sure I am providing students that do not
have internet access at home with the time and encouragement to log in to these
programs at school.
In order to accomplish this goal, I must be very aware of
what my students are doing and what their situations are. I must also be sure that I am clearly focussed
on instructional objectives, and that I find ways to include all my
learners. Regarding access in the
classroom, perhaps devices that use satellite technology may become available,
but in the meantime I must work to not only use what we have very efficiently,
but to try to boost the number of tools that I have.
When reviewing my checklist from week one, I was
interested to note that some of my answers should have been different to begin
with. For example, under point 8 “Use a
variety of digital tools to collaborate and communicate…” I should have checked
“sometimes” instead of “frequently”, or perhaps even “rarely”. When I completed the checklist the first time,
I was not really aware of the possibilities for communication and collaboration
using blogs and wikis, as I have never used one. Today, however, as a result of this course, I
not only have some experience in using blogs and wikis, but am actually
celebrating having organised my own class blog which is now up and running. This is also true of point 9, “Design learning
experiences incorporating technology”. It
is not that I was not designing those learning experiences before; it is just
that I was, in most cases, “doing things differently” instead of “doing
different things” (Laureate Education, Inc.,
2010). I think that while I have learned
a lot, there is still a long way to go before I can consider myself to have
lost my non-digital “accent” (Prensky, 2001).
achievement is not just about doing well on a test. It is about how my students do further down
the road. Are they ready to face the
challenges of lifelong learning, or of full and relevant participation as
citizens of our country and our planet? If
the “power of human capital” (Hof, 2007) is about to be released, then I want
my students to be riding that wave.
Bates, R., & Phelan, K. (2002). Characteristics of a globally
competitive workforce. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 4(2),
Laureate Education, Inc. (2010). Designing
curriculum, instruction and assessment. Baltimore, MD.
Levy, F., & Murnane, R. (2006). Why the changing
American economy calls for twenty-first century learning. New Directions
for Youth Development, 53-62.
P.B.S. (n.d.). Retrieved October 2012, from
Prensky, M. (2001). Digital Natives,
Digital Immigrants Part 1. On
the Horizon, 1-6.
Thornberg, D. (2004). Technology and education:
Expectations, not options. (Executive Briefing No. 401). Retrieved from